The Domestic Soldier

A humourous account of the transition from Soldier to Wife

Introducing Our Newest Family Member… Indiana! March 18, 2013

Filed under: Family,Furkids — brittmk0922 @ 1:16 pm
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I had posted in my last blog that Jano and I were on the search for a new pup. This search ended up spreading much more than we thought… We live in Southern Ontario. We had originally expanded our search area to include parts of Michigan. In the end we adopted our new baby boy from Ohio! 

Meet the 1 year old Shepherd/Retriever we adopted, Indiana aka Indy: 


We have had him in our homes and our lives for just over a week now, and its going GREAT! He and Dav have hit it off almost instantly as long lost best friends… They play together constantly, cuddle together when they’re tired and squeeze themselves into our bed at night. He’s also a TOTAL Daddy’s boy! 








Expedition of Hope Fundraising – Starting Small December 5, 2012

Alright, so its the holidays… lets be honest, this is NOT the best time to try to start a fundraising campaign. Times are tight, and the need for money around the holidays is high!


SO rather than starting with any of our big events (we currently have a night at the local comedy club, a pasta buffet fundraising dinner, an online craft sale, etc in the works) we have decided to start our first fundraising campaign as something small.

The first installment is needed really soon, so here’s the idea…. If every person who reads this shares it with anyone who may be able to help and donates just $5 imagine how fast that will add up! We only need this to reach 140 people at $5 each to be able to cover the first installment for the climb!

Here is the link to the FundRazr page – Donations can be made via Credit Card or Paypal

So please help us out this holiday season to reach the first leg of the Expedition of Hope 2013! More updates to follow!!!!



Professional Photos!!! November 11, 2012

Filed under: Family — brittmk0922 @ 10:51 pm
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So excited to announce that Danielle Tremblay Photography posted a selection of our professional photos from the wedding today and I LOVE them! They did an AMAZING job!

For those of you who follow me on here but don’t necessarily have me on Facebook, here are some of my favourites:

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RAK (Random Acts of Kindness) November 7, 2012

Filed under: Family,Friends — brittmk0922 @ 9:36 am
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As we are now quickly approaching Thanksgiving for my American friends and after that the Christmas season, I want to throw a challenge out to all my blog readers. Its SO easy to get caught up in the pity party around the holiday season about what you don’t have, you’d like a bigger house, more gifts, you have to travel too far to visit family, etc…

Its easy for us to forget both that there are others out there FAR worse than we are, and also that its really the small things that make a difference!

Do you remember the last time you found a $5 in your pocket that you didn’t know was there? Remember that feeling? You were on top of the world, grinning like a fool for HOURS over $5… Its not that you likely even NEEDED that $5, but just the act of finding it brought joy. Well that being said, why not give others that joy?

Whether its paying for the person behind you at the drivethru, or slipping $5 bills into a friend’s pocket when they aren’t looking and you’re near their coat in their house… Remember that its those little things that matter!!!

I clearly remember Thanksgiving 2002, and will likely never forget it. I was 16 years old, my father had passed away February of that year. We were in a grocery store trying to pick up everything that we needed for Thanksgiving Dinner as a family (I have a brother and a sister as well) and it wasn’t easy. My mother had been a Stay at Home Mother until my father passed away, and was then thrust out into the working world. We never ‘needed’ anything, she somehow always managed to provide, but money was definitely tight. That day while standing in line at the checkout a gentleman infront of us struck up a conversation with my mother about being brave bringing 3 kids to the grocery store on her own (I mean we were more preteens/teens but still). She mentioned that Dad had passed away, so she did all the running around with us. When we got up to the cashier that day the gentleman loaded his groceries in his cart, then waited and informed the cashier he would be covering our bill. I don’t know his name, where he is now, anything… but I will NEVER forget that act of kindness….

So I challenge you, all of you… Go out and perform your own RAKs. Then come back here and report back to us on how they go! Share your idea of different RAKs, how it made you feel. Also if you are the recipient of a RAK, share that too!

Lets see how many heartwarming stories we can bring together during this holiday season!