The Domestic Soldier

A humourous account of the transition from Soldier to Wife

Updates – Expedition of Hope March 23, 2013

For those of you that are not on our Facebook page, but rather use my blog to follow the information regarding the Expedition of Hope… I posted some great updates and information on there today!

Here’s the post that was shared:

Since first posting on here I have confirmed a lot more details about the climb itself, and wanted to share them with all of you 🙂

We will be flying into Tanzania on September 21st, 2013, arriving at the Kilimanjaro International Airport. We are still working on flight details with our travel agent, getting ourselves booked on a flight with as few layovers as possible (some of the flights have quite a few)!

We will be staying at Springlands Hotel in Moshi. For those interested in checking out our accomodations, here’s the link to the hotel’s website:

September 22nd, 2013 is a rest day. This is a chance to just enjoy being in Moshi and prepare for the climb itself. This also happens to be our first anniversary!

September 23rd we will begin the actual climb itself. We will be climbing the Rongai route. I have included a map of the route itself so that anyone interested can follow what I’m about to describe. There is also a group that will be taking the Marangu route, which is an easier climb. On the day that we summit (September 27th) we will all be meeting up together.

Here’s the breakdown of the climb itself:

  • Mon. Sept. 23 (Day 1): Moshi to Nale Muru to Simba Camp
  • Tues. Sept. 24 (Day 2): Simba Camp to Second Cave
  • Wed. Sept. 25 (Day 3): Second Cave to Third Cave
  • Thurs. Sept. 26  (Day 4): Third Cave to Kibo Huts
  • Fri. Sept. 27 (Day 5): Summit Day! Kibo Huts to Uhuru Peak, reach summit after sunrise
  • Sat. Sept. 28 (Day 6): Horombo Huts to Marangu Gate


If you are not yet following our Facebook page but are interested in doing so, it can be found here: